Long Journey Within

Throughout history encounters with remarkable people in different fields of human life have inspired revolutions, remarkable charity, epochal change, great undertakings. One such prime example is that of kiwi Harita Davies’ ecounter with Sri Chinmoy …

Some Reflections On Running

If you have good health, if you touch your health everyday it gets new life. By giving attention to something you give new life to it. Find out how to maintain good health …

Dawn After Dark

Learn how meditation within the context of a spiritual path produces positive transformation and brings hope ….

The Coffin Club

I can recall several occasions when spiritual master Sri Chinmoy spoke of the soul’s world,… »

Reflections on Ageing

Wisdom remains a hugely critical factor in life management, and wisdom is one of the few things in human life that does not diminish with age.

Reflections on Diwali

Diwali is here – our annual free celebration of Indian culture and our city’s ethnic diversity, a weekend of music, dance, food and splendid cultural performances.

Tribute to Muhammad Ali

Sri Chinmoy once told Muhammad Ali: “You are changing the face and fate of mankind. Your very name encourages and inspires. As soon as people hear ‘Muhammad Ali,’ they are inspired. They get tremendous joy. They get such dynamism to be brave and face ignorance…Your heart of oneness with all humanity makes you the greatest.”

 Perspectives on Happiness

World class Kiwi trail runner and ultramarathoner Vajin Armstrong, whose happiness formula is a mix of meditation and mountain trails, inner calm and the soothing beauty of landscape.

The Peace Run: A Meditative Journey

Several of our Kiwi team joined the Peace Run in Iceland, Australia and Europe. Here’s a shot of our team in Iceland, way up north in those spectacular landscapes of glaciers, volcanic mountains and fast running ice-fed rivers. Find out more…